GUY 1: I’ve just finished this amazing book on what led up to the Super Depression of the 2020s.
GUY 2: We studied that in school, but I didn’t pay too much attention. Didn’t it all start with some deadly virus or something?
GUY 1: Covid 19, yeah. Though it wasn’t as deadly as they first thought.
GUY 2: Really? I thought it killed millions.
GUY 1: I think it was 5 or 6 million in the end. But then there were around 7 billion people on the planet back then, I think the official mortality rate ended up around 0.09%.
GUY 2: But that’s not much more than regular flu.
GUY 1: A bit less actually.
GUY 2: So how come it was such a big deal at the time?
GUY 1: The mortality rate was higher in certain age groups and they wanted to protect them. So they did these things called lockdowns, where they closed down schools and shops and made everyone stay indoors for months.
GUY 2: But it was an airborne virus, right? Surely the worst thing you could do was put everyone indoors together. Shouldn’t they have told them to exercise and get as much fresh air as possible?
GUY 1: No, they made that a criminal offence. And they shut down the gyms. You were allowed out to get fast food though.
GUY 2: Oka-ay. But there must have been some reason for shutting everything down. The people in the riskiest age groups, were they like children or babies or something?
GUY 1: Fortunately they were barely unaffected. 97% of deaths were in people over 65 and already dying of something else.
GUY 2: So why didn’t they just protect them? Instead of locking up millions of healthy people who had almost no chance of dying from it?
GUY 1: A few places did, Sweden and some states in the US.
GUY 2: And how did that work out?
GUY 1: Very well. On average they ended up with fewer deaths than the ones that locked down. Sweden had one of the lowest mortality rates in the world. Didn’t destroy their economy either.
GUY 2: So presumably the other countries followed their example?
GUY 1: No, they attacked them, called them irresponsible.
GUY 2: For protecting their most vulnerable?
GUY 1: Yes, it was odd.
GUY 2: So what was their solution?
GUY 1: A vaccination.
GUY 2: But don’t they take at least ten years to develop?
GUY 1: Normally. But they got these out in a few months.
GUY 2: That’s pretty incredible. But then how would they know if they were safe? You could barely know the short term risks in that time, let alone what they might do in the long term.
GUY 1: You’re right.
GUY 2: So what then? They only gave them to the people most at risk, to stay on the safe side?
GUY 1: Initially, but then they started giving them to everyone. Pretty much forced them to be honest. Said if you didn’t take them, you were dirty and uncaring. And then they got more and more extreme and started barring them from going to cafes, bars, shops, eventually even denying them the right to work and get medical treatment.
GUY 2: And this was to keep them safe?
GUY 1: That’s what they said.
GUY 2: But at least they spared the kids, right? I mean they were barely even getting ill.
GUY 1: I’m afraid not.
GUY 2: But why?
GUY 1: In case they gave it to the adults.
GUY 2: You mean like a human shield?
GUY 1: That’s how some people saw it.
GUY 2: But the vax solved things in the end, right?
GUY 1: Not really.
GUY 2: How do you mean?
GUY 1: The problem was that it didn’t stop you getting it or passing it on.
GUY 2: What kind of vaccine doesn’t stop you getting or transmitting the virus?
GUY 1: This one. It also caused some terrible side effects and killed loads of people. More than every previous vax combined.
GUY 2: So what did it do, exactly?
GUY 1: It reduced the symptoms. A bit. Although, that was never really proven, in fact there was evidence it made them worse. Plus it started to wear off after a few months.
GUY 2: So how did they end up beating the virus?
GUY 1: They didn’t, it just got gradually weaker over time.
GUY 2: Like viruses usually do?
GUY 1: Yuh. And collective immunity started to build.
GUY 2: Like it usually does?
GUY 1: Yuh.
GUY 2: So how did all of this start? Where did the virus come from originally?
GUY 1: A place called Wuhan in China.
GUY 2: I remember this from school. There was like a market or something with live animals, and someone made some bat soup or one mated with a pangolin, or something.
GUY 1: That was the official story early on. But most people now think it came from the biolab nearby.
GUY 2. There was a biolab near the market?
GUY 1: Yes, a couple of miles away and it was working on creating a bat-derived coronavirus fused with SARS with the specific intention of transmitting it to humans.
GUY 2: And people didn’t think that was a more likely explanation than soup?
GUY 1: Some did, but they were called crazy conspiracy theorists.
GUY 2: And this lab in Wuhan, who was funding this research?
GUY 1: America, at least in part.
GUY 2: But that can’t have been legal?
GUY 1: It wasn’t, but there was this doctor who managed to circumvent the law by claiming it wasn’t intended as a bioweapon.
GUY 2: Who was this lunatic?
GUY 1: Anthony Fauci.
GUY 2: I hope he hanged.
GUY 1: He never was. In fact he became Chief Medical Advisor to the US president.
GUY 2: You’re kidding?
GUY 1: I’m afraid not.
GUY 2: But at least everything worked out in the end?
GUY 1: Not really, because by that point people started dying from all the other diseases they’d
not been treating or failed to diagnose because they’d shut down half the wards and surgeries, not to mention the suicides and mental health problems from the stress of being locked inside for months on end and an explosion of child, sexual and domestic abuse. Plus it destroyed so many businesses and they spent so much money paying everyone not to work that the economy started to collapse and the supply chains started to break down which led to food and power shortages, which led to social unrest and an upsurge in crime and that’s not even mentioning the knock-on effect in places like Africa that were plunged into even greater poverty even though they were barely affected by the virus or managed to beat it with cheap, effective treatments that were banned everywhere else.
GUY 2: Fuck me. It’s almost like the whole thing was engineered to set the foundations for what came next with the Great Reset, Agenda 2030 and all the other…dark stuff.
GUY 1: When you put it like that….(Mulling it over.)
GUY 2: Anyway, do you fancy another coffee?
GUY 1: Why not?
GUY 2: (Checks wrist monitor.) Shit I can’t. They’ve just deducted 50 points from my social credit score.
GUY1: Why?
GUY 2: It says I had an illegal opinion.
GUY 1: Don’t worry I’ll get it. (Checks wrist monitor.) Damn, I got the same message.
(Long silence as they both look worried.)
GUY 2: (Nervously) But as I was saying, it was probably unconnected and even if it did lead to that other stuff, that’s like a good thing.
GUY 1: …Oh absolutely, I was going to make the same point. All hail The Uniparty.
GUY 2: (Awkwardly) Right. All hail The Uniparty.